Version 1.2.2 (BETA), 1/8/2019
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Complete redesign of code editor: editor now supports find/replace, code folding, and code completion
- Many improvements to plotting from Python scripts
- Inclusion of additional probability distributions in MCMC engine
- Fixed: Application performance problems on Windows
- Fixed: Examples not correctly installed on Windows
- Fixed: An error should be reported when ODE solver fails
- Fixed: MCMC plots fail is start row > actual sample count
- Fixed: Negative values not supported in args to distributions in MCMC file
- Fixed: When the CSL file for a model is closed, it’s entry should be removed from list ini model inspector
- Fixed: Parser fails if comment follows line continuation character
- Fixed: The “save” menu/toolbar option should do nothing when a plot is the active document
- Fixed: “Find” function in code editor fails sporadically
- Fixed: Using sliders, it’s possible to start another simulation before previous one has finished
- Fixed: Inclusion of an integer variable in model causes the variable to be plotted at end of run
- Fixed: Sorting on parameter slider panel causes problems
- Fixed: Numeric literals are assumed to be floating point, even when they shouldn’t
Known Bugs/Limitations
- Documentation for features newly added as of this release is incomplete.
- MCMC sampler is not fully optimized for hierarchical models; this will be fixed in the release version.
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from CMD scripts
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- Extra entries in file history are created every time a Python script is executed
Version 1.1.2 (BETA), 11/19/2018
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added capability for interactive debugging of models: step by time or derivative calculation, break on variable values, monitor evolution of model variables.
- Local file version histories are now maintained. Press the “clock” icon on a code editor toolbar to view the local history of the associated file. Review file changes at each save, revert to previous versions.
- Initial experimental implementation of MCMC sampling. A specialized language has been developed for the specification of statistical models; see the butadiene example in the Language/Parameter Estimation folder for an example. Plots have been added to quickly view sample chains and histograms of posterior marginal distributions.
- Last active folder in the file browser panel and any open documents are remembered and preserved between sessions in Magnolia.
Known Bugs/Limitations
- Documentation for features newly added as of this release is incomplete.
- MCMC only provides uniform, normal and lognormal distributions in this version; additional distributions will be provided in the release version. MCMC sampler is not fully optimized for hierarchical models; this will be fixed in the release version.
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from CMD scripts
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- “Replace” option not available in code editors
- “Comment” and “indent” selected section operators don’t work in Python and CMD code
Version 1.0.1, 9/9/2018
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Initial version of documentation completed
- Context menus added to code editors, command output window and command input prompt
- prepare @all no longer attempts to prepare non-numeric fields
- Fixed: print command was generating incorrect results
- Fixed: lower limit on y axis was not being honored with log axis scaling
- Setting of logical and string values in model from CMD file code now working
- Warning added if dataset name starts with numeric; dataset names which don’t adhere to CSL variable naming conventions can be wrapped in single-quotes
- Various additions and improvements to example models
- Reliability of main menu stop button improved
Known Bugs/Limitations
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from CMD scripts
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- “Replace” option not available in code editors
- “Comment” and “indent” selected section operators don’t work in Python and CMD code
Version 0.9.9, 8/8/2018
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Fixed: was unable to save example models on Windows, depending on installation folder
- Plot export (data, image) is now working
- Plot settings are now immediately saved when the plot settings dialog “apply” button is pressed
- “About” menu option now displays an “About Magnolia” screen
- Fixed: plot settings could become corrupted if variables/constants were removed from model
- Plot settings dialog now issues error when min axis range value is greater than max axis range
- Initial limits on slider are now correct when default value of parameter is less than zero
- Plot axis autoscale settings were not persisted with other pot settings
- Magnolia logo is now used for application icon on Windows
Known Bugs/Limitations
- Incomplete documentation
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from CMD scripts
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- “Stop” toolbar button not working reliably
Version 0.9.8, 7/27/2018
Bug Fixes and Improvements
- Added additional content to documentation
Known Bugs/Limitations
- “About” menu option on main menu does nothing
- Incomplete documentation
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- Export of plot data not supported
- “Stop” toolbar button not working reliably
Version 0.9.6, 6/25/2018
Note: this is the first version for which Release Notes have been provided.
Known Bugs/Limitations
- Incomplete documentation
- IMPLC operator not supported
- DELAY operator not supported
- Occasional crashes during translation of models with SUBMODEL sections
- Submodel variables/constants not usable from interactive plots; workaround: mirror submodes variables/constant in main MODEL section (see Control Loop example)
- TABLEs with dimension higher than one are not supported
- Export of plot data not supported
- “Save as…” not working for all file types
- “Stop” toolbar button not working reliably